
Aralık, 2019 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Nadire Keskin / Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

Students work top 10 countries in innovation https://view.genial.ly/5e03146678c9da613ee5c238/learning-experience-challenges-top-10-countries-in-innovation

Nadire Keskin/Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

               Eba news                http://www.eba.gov.tr/haber/1577177040

Mustafa Birinci-Gürpınar Azime Yılmaz imam hatip secondary school

Yeni yıl takvimimiz için slogan

Mustafa Birinci-Gürpınar Azime Yılmaz imam hatip secondary school

Proje Ekinimiz ile yaptığımız oyunumuz https://learningapps.org/display?v=pwj91w2j519

Nadire Keskin / Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

You can access the game of my student Kerem, who designed a game for our game bank, by reading the code. Oyun bankamız için oyun tasarlayan öğrencim Kerem'in oyununa kodu okutarak ulaşabilirsiniz.

Nadire Keskin/Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

Slogans from my students

Nadire Keskin

When our students can be available for the webinar? https://answergarden.ch/1080001

Nadire Keskin-Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Scondary School

Bakirkoy district national education directorate web site news http://bakirkoy.meb.gov.tr/www/sehit-pilot-muzaffer-erdonmez-ortaokulu-new-generation-with-innovation-projesi/icerik/601

Nadire Keskin-Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

School web site news http://yesilkoysehitpilot.meb.k12.tr/icerikler/etwinning-projesi-new-generation-with-innovation_8432937.html

Nadire Keskin/Şehit Pilot Muzaffer Erdönmez Secondary School

Öğrenci logo ve poster çalışmaları/Student banner and logo work